Sunday, June 6, 2010

Illustration Friday - Trail

Gus didn't realize that his best friend Buster was leaving a trail of stuffing behind them as they walked home from Kevin's house.   Even Mouse's attempts at getting his attention failed.  Gus was heading home for dinner.  Mom told him to be home at 5:00 sharp.  And one thing that Gus prided himself on was his punctuality.  He'd often heard Mom brag to Mrs. Drake about how she never had to worry about Gus being late for dinner.   Mrs. Drake's son Adam was in Gus's class and he was never on time.  He was always at least 5 minutes late for whatever it was he was doing.

So, in this I-must-get-home-at-5:00 pm-sharp frame of mine, Gus hadn't noticed when Buster's already loose belly seam got snagged on one of the low lying branches as he emerged from Pine Lane onto Broad St.


Dffinley said...

Love it, but I feel bad for the bear. Great colors and really charming characters. I think it's great how the cat isn't necessarily malicious. He/she is just being a cat.

Jane Grant Tentas said...

clever idea, very original!

gila43 said...

What a cute story to go along with the drawing, which remind me a little bit of the 'Winnie, the Pooh' illustrations. So sweet.

Ann Marie DiVecchia said...

I love your little story, Michelle!! You put a lot of thought into this and it's delightful. Gus looks very proud of himself...and oblivious!

roberta baird said...

Cute Michelle!

theartofpuro said...

Love it!It's so cute!