Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Little Doodle

Kiddos are back to school tomorrow.  The littlest one is feeling a bit nervous.  She asked if I would make her a quick little doodle that she could bring to school tomorrow.  Something that would make her smile.

She loves the story of Merlin, and because one of her favorite characters in Merlin is a dragon named Kilgharrah,  I knew just what to draw for her.  I hope she likes it.


Joanne Roberts said...

What a treasure for your kids, both now and down the road.

Unknown said...

Adorable. Just super sweet.

Anonymous said...

Thanks you guys. I did make her happy. She had me laminate it, and is wearing it as a charm bracelet/fidget. :)

Melissa Saylor said...

You are a good mama. Good artist too.