Saturday, October 11, 2008

Illustration Friday - Strings

My kids and I love to play a game called "I've got no strings to hold me down," of course inspired by Pinocchio himself. When I saw that IF's prompt this week was "strings," I felt compelled to do something with a marrionette. And since my eldest daughter has a talent show coming up soon, I thought I'd tie that in as well.


Anonymous said...

Very nice! Love the marionette and the crowd!

Mônica said...

I agree, I also love the marionette and the faces on the crowd. Lovely colors throughout, very nicely done, Michelle!

Tracy said...

This is great! I too love the expressions on the crowd.

soulbrush said...

and it all works brilliantly.

Connie said...

A whole little story in one little, happy illustration. Love the puppet. Raggedy Anne, by any chance?

Vanessa Brantley Newton said...

This is so cute and such a wonderful play on the word. Very nice illustration Michelle!!! Everything works here. I love how you made the audience all one color. Very smart. Great job you did girly!

Ann Marie DiVecchia said...

I love how the marionette becomes the main character facing the viewer, but hiding from the crowd in her little corner. There is a sense of anticipation. Something is about to happen...and that marionette seems to be all knowing. Lovely!!

thedoodlegirl said...

The marionette is so fun! Love the hair. Great patterns in this piece.