Saturday, February 16, 2008

Illustration Friday - Theory

I must admit, I felt a little stumped how to approach "theory." I automatically thought of calculus but decided I wanted to try something a little less common. So, the theory I came up with was the theory that I used to explain life to my baby brother - that he was born from a monkey and a crocodile, and that's why he cried, chewed on everything, and climbed all over the walls. He eventually realized that I wasn't being exactly honest with him, but thankfully we're still close despite my deception. I drew the image with my daughters in mind, seeing the similarities between me and my little brother and my eldest daughter and her baby sister.


Hey Harriet said...

That's a really sweet illustration. I love the colours you've used. I also love the little story behind it. Cute :)

studio lolo said...

You really said those things to your brother? See, you were a story teller in the making! This is clever and adorable :)


ah, clever. i still dont know what to draw with the topic.

Keath said...


gila43 said...

are you going to make your little
brother famous??? Who knew!!What a story and such cute drawing!


very cute and are such a great inspiration !!

Paige Keiser said...

Your characters are so expressive! Adorable illo :-) said...

That's funny, I like it! Cute style.

Tom Barrett said...

Don't all kids come from monkeys!! It seems like mine do from time to time!

I like how you get so much expression with so few lines.

Traci Bixby said...

Oh my gosh, this is so my two daughters. Some days they get along and others, like today, well...

I really like the colors in this one. Your line work captures so much! Great job!

Miss Melanie said...

great story. i really like the way you colour - very expressive :)

Anonymous said...

great story and imagination!

lil kim said...

this is great - love the idea and the depiction feels very true to life. Great colours too.

Anonymous said...

That's a great drawing...and a great story too! Sounds like something you'd tell your little brother!
