Saturday, January 31, 2009

Kreativ Blogger Award

My very talented friend Ann Marie has given me my first blog award!

When you get this you must list 7 things you love and pass it on to other bloggers.

Some random things I love:

1. I love watching my eldest daughter snuggled up with a good book in our book nook. She makes me so proud, and I'm amazed that she's growing up so fast.
2. I love watching my youngest daughter dance and laugh. She is such a happy little spirit, full of life and giggles!
3. I love laughing with my husband. He is the funniest guy I know, and so stinkin' smart. I enjoy everything about him (even the things that drive me crazy, strangely enough!).
4. I really love the movie "Chocolat" with Juliette Binoche, Alfred Molina, Carrie-Anne Moss, and Johnny Depp. It is such a visually beautiful movie, and I really dig Johnny Depp! :)
5. I love my gardens. I'm currently forced into hibernation due to the wicked crazy amounts of snow we've had this winter, but I'm looking at my flower catalogs, and really looking forward to the spring when my hyacinths and crocus start to bloom .... can't wait!!
6. I love all things Celtic - the music, the dancing, the drinking...heh heh!
7. I love asking questions! I'd been accused, in the past, of asking too many questions, but I tell you, there is nothing like it to satisfy a curious mind!

Now I tag the following bloggers:

Monday, January 26, 2009

Business card images

I've ordered business cards to bring to the NE-SCBWI conference. These are the two images I'm using. The spot illo, is on the front, and the other is on the back - both sides in color.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Watercolor Wednesdays - Hot Cocoa

Miss Cocoa was the type of dog that ran in all the right circles, and those circles provided her with her very favorite drink whenever she and her owner were out and about ... Hot Cocoa.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Illustration Friday - Pale

I'm not sure who is paler, the monster beckoning from the closet, or the little boy confronted by him.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Groundhogs Valentine

This is an illo I put together for my daughter's preschool. They wanted a little illustration for their February calendar. Voila - Groundhog gets a valentine.... all I need now is to find some way to include George Washington and Abe Lincoln and we'll have all bases covered. ha ha.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Illustration Friday - Contained

This sneaky snake-oil salesman tried his best to convince his customers that the bottle he held contained the Elixir of Life (when in fact his bottle contained the "Exlixer" of Life - a cheap knock-off he made from the grease left in the bottom of the pot he used to cook his dinner the previous night).

I tried something a little different in this illo. I didn't ink it, and painted over pencil. The pencil got kind of smeary, and I think I'll stick to inking in the future, but it was a fun experiment.

Winter Water

Here is the illustration that I did for the next issue of Stories for Children magazine. It's accompanies a sweet poem about the melting snow as it starts to get warmer outside (ironic since we just had another 8-10 inches of snow, and my husband is out snow blowing - ha ha). The large white space above the girl's head is where the text will be. I am so happy that I have the opportunity to illustrate for SFC. It is a wonderful experience.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

New Postcard - Class Picture Day

Thanks to WW and the prompt of Class Picture Day, I've got my new postcard (the b&w image is the spot for the back). I should receive them next week sometime, and can finally get them out in the mail! Yeah!!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Watercolor Wednesday- Class Picture Day - Rough

Here is the rough sketch of my illustration for Watercolor Wednesday's month long prompt "Class Picture Day." I really like working on this one. I love drawing kids, and their crazy expressions.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Baby Ally Triptych

Our friends Gus, Amy, and little Noah, just welcomed the newest member of the family on New Year's Eve - Ally. This is what I've made for her. Sure hope her mom and dad are not reading this... if so .... SURPRISE!