Sunday, January 11, 2009

Illustration Friday - Contained

This sneaky snake-oil salesman tried his best to convince his customers that the bottle he held contained the Elixir of Life (when in fact his bottle contained the "Exlixer" of Life - a cheap knock-off he made from the grease left in the bottom of the pot he used to cook his dinner the previous night).

I tried something a little different in this illo. I didn't ink it, and painted over pencil. The pencil got kind of smeary, and I think I'll stick to inking in the future, but it was a fun experiment.


  1. It's great to experiment! Could you still ink it to see the difference? I love his facial expression and the splash of color with the background, plain.

  2. this guy looks great! i like the 18th century brillantined parting of his hair ;-)

  3. Hey Michelle, I think I brought some cold medicine from him once. The dirty rat made of with my money and I finally find him over at your place!!! he he he
    This is super! The illustration is brilliant! Great, great job on this one. He is such a character too.

  4. Great character. You've really captured him with the grin and the oiled hair!

  5. I really like your technique. Never trust that salesman though. You've captured the character perfectly.

  6. I think the effect adds to the character of this guy. But your inked then painted pieces do have clearer color which is also nice.


So guys, what do you think? I'd love to hear your thoughts on my work.