Saturday, January 17, 2009

Illustration Friday - Pale

I'm not sure who is paler, the monster beckoning from the closet, or the little boy confronted by him.


  1. Great take on the theme! I love his facial!

  2. lol! They do both look quite surprised!!

  3. hehehe...I love this one!
    Excellent line work, and the colours are very good to.

  4. OOh Girl!!! he he he hehe! You know there are certain things you just can't say online. And you know it's really hard for us because we are Children's book illustrators, but poor child looks like he might have bacon in his pants! he he he . I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I know. I couldn't help it Michelle. He he he he! Scared the poor life out of the monster too. This is a hoot. I just love the look on the poor kids face. OMG! I can just hear the screaming from both of them. This is priceless!!!

  5. Haha! Even the teddy bear looks scared! Nice!


So guys, what do you think? I'd love to hear your thoughts on my work.