Monday, December 2, 2013

HoHoDooDa 2013!!

The amazingly talented Linda Silvestri has started the Holiday Doodle a Day (HoHoDooDa) challenge.  And I am picking up the gauntlet!

As Linda says "What with the holidays and all, I admit it’s a little crazy and there may be some gnashing of teeth and tears shed, but overall, I’m sure it will be a blast and very rewarding..."  

I'm ready to play along!

Who brings presents for good little sharks?
Santa Jaws!


  1. Love it! Can't wait to get more hohodoodas from you. ;)

  2. Thanks Gina and Neens!!

  3. Hee hee! I love this to pieces! We are cut from the same cloth, I did a Santa Jaws last year. Love it!!!!

  4. Most excellent picture, Michelle. As usual. TERRIBLE joke though, as evidenced by my finding it funny.

  5. haha! Kelly, you're in trouble because I'm determined to do some sort of daily groaner! :)

    Great minds think a like Linda!


So guys, what do you think? I'd love to hear your thoughts on my work.