Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Girl and Dog

I've been working on a series of sketches lately about a little girl and her dog.  Here are two of them.  They are very, very rough sketches at this point (lots of erasure/pencil marks).  If you want to see some of the others, take a hop, skip and jump on over to the  Smells Like Crayons blog.


  1. More super sketches! Do you have a dog for a model?

  2. Thanks Judy! We do have a dog, but she makes an awful model! ha ha! So, I just have to go from memory sometimes. :)

  3. I am so happy to have discovered your blog - those sketches are so inspiring!

  4. I love that girl! She's totally groovin'! Nice job, Michelle.


So guys, what do you think? I'd love to hear your thoughts on my work.