Thursday, June 10, 2010


Another sketch card I've done for Ripple.
Loggerhead sea turtles were in trouble before the Gulf oil spill disaster. The number of nesting females has declined by 50 percent in the past decade, leading the National Marine Fisheries Service to consider reclassifying loggerheads from threatened to endangered.  Now these turtles need our help even more. The world’s second-largest loggerhead nesting area is on the beaches of the southeastern United States -- some of the areas most threatened by the Gulf oil tragedy.  Exposure to oil can cause skin loss, poisoning, drowning and death… which is why we need every available tool to help save the lives of individual loggerheads and save this species from extinction. (Defenders of Wildlife)


  1. Hi, Michelle! I found you through Ripple! Your artwork is so beautiful!!! Hope you are doing well! Happy Friday!

  2. So sad! Thanks for all you are doing, Michelle! Even with your girls. Yay for your efforst!!!


So guys, what do you think? I'd love to hear your thoughts on my work.