Thursday, September 17, 2009

Lunch time welcome

I'm combining another two - Illustration Friday's Welcome, and WaWe's Lunch Time. I am planning on painting it, but time has just been getting away from me, so I wanted to make sure I got the sketch up at least.


Tory Climer and her classmates at Lake Bristoe Elementary hated school lunch. Not only was Mrs Towner the oldest lunch lady at the school, she was also the worst cook. Although her "specials" were infamous in the town of Bristoe for their repulsiveness, today's "welcome back" lunch had to have topped the chart: Brussels Sprout - Cod Yogurt, and Meat-in-a-Can. "Why do I subject myself to this day after day?" Tory wondered as she gazed upon the Meat-in-a-Can. She could have sworn she saw it slithering across her plate.


  1. mmmmmm...cod yogurt! nice drawing-I love their expressions.

  2. EEUW!! Would you believe that I once saw "Smoked Salmon Ice Cream"? It was concocted by Phil's Not-So-Famous Ice Cream Shop just for a joke.

    I like the contrast of the line of kids vs the big lunch lady and how you can see everyone's faces.

  3. oooh, that is a very mean looking lunch lady! This is fantastic! Great story, too. :)

  4. Super cute! Love that it's in B&W, too.

  5. Great illo I'd like to see it coloured but also the B/W is beautiful


So guys, what do you think? I'd love to hear your thoughts on my work.