Monday, September 28, 2009

Illustration Friday - Pattern

The patterns on the walls of the ancient fortress mesmerized young Rowan. She needed to press forward... onward and upward. The sword of Balthor had to be at the top of the tower, the prophecy couldn't have been more clear.


  1. Well done Michelle, now you got me wanting more of this delicious story and illustration. Who absolutely wonderful!! I really dig the mystery and shadowing. It's awesome. I want more story! I could certainly see more of this! Great work once again girly!!

  2. I agree...great story, and the patterns and color choices are lovely!

  3. Oh I love this! I love her name too, Rowan! Well done! I want to read more of this story!

  4. It's a beautiful picture.
    I love the girl & the colors
    (but I love you more, oops)

  5. ooooh, sounds intriguing! Great illo!

  6. Lovely and mysterious! I like this idea for pattern!

  7. Thanks for the comment,great illo,love the mystery in it and the story


So guys, what do you think? I'd love to hear your thoughts on my work.