Friday, January 18, 2008

Illustration Friday - Plain

This week's Illustration Friday theme is Plain, so I decided to do an illustration of three Amish children in the back of their horse and buggy. The Amish are sometimes referred to as the "Plain People," and I have always found the juxtaposition of the Amish among the "English" very interesting.


  1. I was hoping someone would see the connection. your little children although 'plain' people are quite charming.

  2. this is a great illustration with a beautiful story behind it, no doubt!


  3. wow...what a great illustration !! I love how you have the Amish in black and white for contrast....very clever and so well done !!

  4. Love this picture..
    Reminds me of the time I took a trip with my family to Lancaster, PA.
    simply serene - 2 world meet

  5. love this take on the theme! wonderful!

  6. Wow! The Amish are indeed, "Plain" people! Love this!

  7. You're brilliant not only to have come up with this as a theme, but to have kept them free of color. Wow!!

  8. Interesting interpretation! I wonder how the plain kids feel when they see the bright clothes and nifty gadgets of the "English" kids? Somewhere I read that the Amish tend to have huge families which is good for their numbers because there is always some "attrition rate": young adults or teens leaving the Amish community. Very understandable...what temptation!

  9. Nice work. Your composition captured the difference of the two worlds very well in one picture.

  10. very well done. i like the timid faces on the amish children.

  11. I really love how you used color to emphasize the plainess of the amish children. Great take on the topic.

  12. Thanks for your comments on my "plain'. Your's is a wonderful concept, and I love the idea of those little innocent faces peeking out at a world so completely unknown to them. I have been several times to Lanchaster, PA and seen the beautiful farms and homes there. It's fun to shop at the little town stores.

  13. Very nice illustration. I like your drawing style, and your character designs. Keep up the good work.

  14. Great concept and nice use of colour!

  15. Great contrast between the two 'worlds'! Very nice1

    Thanks for stopping by!

  16. this is awesome!! i love the contrast of the 2 cultures and the black and white vs color...great illo!

  17. I like your concept and the use of the color to get your idea across. The idea of the juxtaposition is great too. The only criticism I have is the Amish children seem sad, maybe it's that they're in B&W. My images from the Amish children I've met, is that they're usually smiling and curious even if they are peeking around mom or dad's legs. And the children do wear some of the most beautiful colors under their aprons. 'Plain' I suppose is the eye of the beholder.

  18. Very nice and interesting illustration. Good idea to emphasize the difference with the use of black and white.


So guys, what do you think? I'd love to hear your thoughts on my work.