Saturday, May 31, 2008

Illustration Friday - Baby

Thankfully, our girls get along really well ... except when they don't. :) So, here is my contribution to Illustration Friday's "Baby" showing the conflict that sometimes arises when little sisters want to spend every waking minute with their big sisters.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Illusration Friday - Wide

I'm glad I don't have to share an elevator with this guy. Poor mouse.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Illustration Friday - Electricity

The first thing I thought of when I saw this week's theme was the School House Rock song "Electricity," the second was Ben Franklin and his kite experiment. So, here is my Ben, and his kite. BTW, his pal Tom Jefferson is the one ducking for cover - seeing as TJ is my favorite president (probably has something to do with a report I did on him in the 2nd grade), I had to put him in there somewhere.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Spring Cleaning

The latest SCBWI theme is Spring Cleaning.... "In a spring cleaning frenzy, the star of your story finally reaches the last closet. It hasn't been opened in a long, long time, and when the door is thrown wide...WHAT'S INSIDE? Send us an illustration of your most imaginative spring cleaning surprise. Really be creative in setting the scene: Where is this closet? Is your character a person? An animal? An alien? Is the surprise scary? Funny? Turn the idea of a long-forgotten closet on its head."

This is what I came up with... thanks Gill, for giving my creativity a jumpstart!

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Illustration Friday - Seed

Yes, I know, I know.... I'm finally back. Miss me? I guess I just needed some time off from drawing. Life was busy, and I was finding that I was putting undue pressure on myself to "get my drawings" done, and then I realized, I don't have to draw if I don't want to. So, now, I feel like it again! Yeah!!

And I thought, what a perfect Illustration Friday theme - Seed. I've been so excited planting my gardens and getting ready for Spring (however, here in NH it's still only 48 degrees and it's May 2nd - sad, sad, sad!), that I couldn't resist adding my drawing to the mix!