Sunday, February 24, 2008

Illustration Friday - Multiples

My husband got a Lego Mindstorms Robot from Santa this year. And he and the girls really love building the robot to do different things. Our eldest daughter was hoping she could build him to make her bed, but unfortuately he's a little too short to do that right now. But knowing her, she'll come up with some way to create a robot to serve her needs. I just hope that the robots don't have the AI to build a robot for themselves, and so on and so on ala Mickey in Fantasia.

So, this is my submission for Illustration Friday - With Mulitple Robots, come multiple troubles.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Monday Artday - Getting Ready

Here is my submission to Monday Artday - Getting Ready. Getting ready to ... grow up? Hopefully, I can stave that off for a while longer!

Also, take a look at the Featured Illustrator, she's got some new work posted. Pretty creative!

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Illustration Friday - Theory

I must admit, I felt a little stumped how to approach "theory." I automatically thought of calculus but decided I wanted to try something a little less common. So, the theory I came up with was the theory that I used to explain life to my baby brother - that he was born from a monkey and a crocodile, and that's why he cried, chewed on everything, and climbed all over the walls. He eventually realized that I wasn't being exactly honest with him, but thankfully we're still close despite my deception. I drew the image with my daughters in mind, seeing the similarities between me and my little brother and my eldest daughter and her baby sister.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Illustration Friday - Choose

Here is my submission for Illustration Friday this week. The theme is "choose," and I thought what better than the choice for President. (My political leanings are pretty apparent since the choice I am focusing on is that of the Democratic nominee.)

I ventured into the realm of the digital in this one. For those of you who are digital pros, please forgive any faux pas. I'm not used to creating my pieces with the computer's help, but I had a vision of using Hillary's and Obama's images, so there was only one way to go to accomplish that.

What do you think? Good, bad, ugly?

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Monday Artday - Half-Beast

I've known a few half-beasts, but thankfully the beast side stays hidden most of the time.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Illustration Friday - Blanket

A little girl and her trusty blanket...

A big girl and her trusty blanket.....